


186 2630 8316



Smelting/Incineration/Spraying customized plasma power

Product Description
● Plasma incineration power supply/smelting power supply stainless steel underwater cutting: directly put the cutting gun into the water for cutting, and the dry dust removal system is replaced by a water bed. The advantage of this method is that the investment cost is very low, and the arc gas/cutting gas/protection Gas and dry cutting are the same. If you use nitrogen, you can't use H35, and you can realize underwater cutting of stainless steel. The advantages of underwater cutting can completely solve the pollution problems of radiation, noise, toxic gas and smoke dust. 
● Plasma incineration power supply/smelting power supply water mist cutting technology: dry cutting conditions can be used, or water cutting can be used, water is used as protective gas, and air is used as cutting gas, and the cost is low. Through the spray of water, the air is blown between the cutting torch and the steel plate.

Product Description
● Plasma incineration power supply/smelting power supply stainless steel underwater cutting: directly put the cutting gun into the water for cutting, and the dry dust removal system is replaced by a water bed. The advantage of this method is that the investment cost is very low, and the arc gas/cutting gas/protection Gas and dry cutting are the same. If you use nitrogen, you can't use H35, and you can realize underwater cutting of stainless steel. The advantages of underwater cutting can completely solve the pollution problems of radiation, noise, toxic gas and smoke dust. The disadvantage is that due to the impact of water flow on the plasma arc energy, the cutting speed and perforation capacity are reduced (at least 30%), and the water flow also affects the cutting surface quality.
● Plasma incineration power supply/smelting power supply water mist cutting technology: dry cutting conditions can be used, or water cutting can be used, water is used as protective gas, and air is used as cutting gas, and the cost is low. Through the spray of water, the air is blown between the cutting torch and the steel plate. When the water encounters the plasma arc, it vaporizes and forms a water curtain to isolate the air to prevent the stainless steel cutting surface from oxidizing and blackening. At the same time, the water vaporizes and absorbs smoke and dust. And toxic gases, it plays a very good role in reducing cutting costs.

Products Professional power product manufacturer

Contact: Mr. Zhang 186 2630 8316

Phone: 0510-83489568

Fax: 0510-83489568

Web: aaa659.com

E-mail: zhang2008haitao@outlook.com

Add:No. 380 Jincheng East Road, Xinwu District,
Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province

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